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25 Ways to Show Love and Appreciation to Yourself and Others

Updated: Feb 3, 2023

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” –William Arthur Ward

Showing Love & Appreciation

Spreading love is an act of kindness and showing appreciation is how we show gratitude for the love that we receive and I believe that we must all do our part in spreading love to make our a much better place to live in.

In a world full of unnecessary hate, love must show its beautiful face and be spread constantly to win.

So my friend I want to share with you 25 ways in which you can do just that. Show love and appreciation to those around you ( and not just once a year on days like today) and make sure you are not taking yourself or anyone for granted.

From the people who love you, to the people who challenge you, to the people who support you at work, here’s how to show your gratitude:

Show Gratitude for Yourself

Self-Love is the best form of love because then you are able to share that love you feel for yourself with others while giving them permission to do the same. It's a beautiful ripple effect that can continue to spread all over. If you are not sure how you can go about showing yourself some gratitude I've listed 5 ways here to get you started.

  1. Make a list of ways you’ve impressed yourself lately.

  2. Compliment yourself—say it while looking in the mirror, write it in a journal, or jot it on a sticky note and put it on your refrigerator.

  3. Give yourself time to enjoy a passion you’re sometimes too busy to fit in.

  4. Write yourself a love letter. Seriously, start with “Dear Precious” (but insert your own name) and describe all the things you admire about yourself. Don't forget to date it for reading later.

  5. Share the beauty that is you with the people around you, knowing they’re fortunate to have you in their lives.

Show Gratitude to People Who Love You

Call someone you love that you may not have spoken to in some time and tell them. Don't just assume that the love is felt. Show it! Try these 5 ways if you are unsure how to even go about it.

  1. Give a long, intimate hug; or if you know they don’t like hugs, stick out your hand for a handshake to cater to their preferences and make them smile.

  2. Share a specific example of something they did for you and how it made a difference in your life. Be honest. Let em know or they never will.

  3. Encourage them to try something you know they want to try, but haven’t yet because they’re scared. Be their biggest fan and show them support.

  4. Compliment them on a talent, skill, or strength that you admire. Tell them why you admire it and encourage them to continue to learn and grow in their craft.

  5. Look them straight in the eyes and say, “You make the world a better place.” And mean it!

Show Gratitude to People Who Challenge You

People who challenge you with the best intentions in your heart are valuable. Cherish them! Show and tell them just what they're challenging you to grow means to you.

  1. Thank them for introducing you to a new way to look at things, even if you still don’t agree. Kindness goes a long way in these situations.

  2. Resist the urge to tell them they’re wrong, because you may be. It's better to say thank you and politely agree to disagree with love.

  3. Challenge them right back to be the best they can be, with love and positive intentions. This seesaw effect not only improves the relationship but helps you both grow.

  4. If they inspired you to push outside your comfort zone, thank them for inspiring you to take a risk, and let them know how it paid off.

  5. Use the lesson this person teaches you through your interactions, whether it’s patience, compassion, or courage.

Show Gratitude to People Who Serve You

No matter if your server is at a fast-food joint, a local restaurant, or at some sort of fine dining establishment, find it in your heart to share your gratitude for the service that they are providing. Share a compliment. Leave a nice tip.

  1. Give a larger tip than usual. Be a blessing.

  2. Let their superiors know they do an outstanding job.

  3. If they have a tip jar, include a thoughtful note of appreciation along with your coins or bills.

  4. Address them by name and smile when you order or enlist their assistance. Smiles are contagious, so give one away!

  5. Praise them in a review on Yelp and/or recommend them to people you know.

Show Gratitude to People Who Work with You

It's easy to forget to share gratitude with a coworker when we are all just doing our job. But make it a point to express your appreciation to those at work who make your job more enjoyable (even if it is by this much)

  1. Write a hand-written thank you note, acknowledging things you value about them and their work.

  2. Bring back lunch for them if you know they’re working hard and likely haven’t had a chance to grab something.

  3. Ask them about their lives instead of always being all business. This doesn’t mean you need to pry into personal matters; it just means showing an interest in who they are as people.

  4. Let their boss know how they’re doing a great job and contributing to the company.

  5. Remember the little things can make a big difference!

To Conclude...

Showing love and appreciation to those around you does not have to be difficult and it does not only have to happen once a year. Make sure the love is felt year-round. Because a little love can go a long way and remember Love Always Wins!

Happy Valentine's Day. Now go out there and some love and Just BeU.


Don't forget to follow BeU Life Coaching and myself, Coach PreciousDiddy on your favorite social sites.


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Spread Love and Appreciation all 2020! 💛

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